Los 3373
Anonymous, circa 359/60-450. Lepton (Bronze, 13 mm, 1.02 g, 12 h). BACI-ΛЄYC Draped male bust to right, wearing tight-fitting head cloth and circular earring, within linear circle within thick circular border. Rev. ΤΟΥΤΟ ΑΡECH TH XⲰ[PA] Cross within circular border. Hahn, Aksumite, 33. Hahn, MAKS, 36. Munro-Hay, AC, type 52. Light deposits, otherwise, about very fine.

From an American collection of Axumite coins.

The greatest innovation in religious imagery and legends after Ezanas' conversion to Christianity in the middle of the 4th century no doubt occurred on the Axumite bronze coinage. This issue, first introduced under that king and continued under his successors, is remarkably for turning the cross into a central design element, which, as a symbol for Christ, the heavenly King of Kings, contrasts with the king's bust on the obverse, who is Christ's viceroy on Earth. The reverse legend 'TOYTO APЄCH TH XⲰΡΑ' (here slightly blundered) translates as 'May this please the country', a clear message reflecting the state's interest in the spread of the new religion to the Axumite population at large, which may have went hand in hand with increasing monetization.
25 CHF
80 CHF
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Ablaufzeit: 15-Jul-24, 20:07:00 CEST
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